About LifeBlood

Building Better Men
Building Better Families
Building Better Communities

54% of
Young Offenders

will reoffend and
return to prison life

72% of
Indigenous Men

will reoffend and
return to prison life

44% of
Caucasian Men

will reoffend and
return to prison life

These lives are easily restored through ...

Stable Housing

Shared accommodation

Daily programs

Residents + House-leader

Life Skills

Practical living skills

Behaviour management

Personal understanding

Job Skills

Creating and keeping a job in 

Agriculture, Cattle, Farming,

Maintenance and Hospitality


Vision - Mission - Values


Multiple centres where men who have served their time can transition constructively back into the community. 


To enable men to return to society as disciples of Jesus Christ and initiate constructive change in their communities.

More specifically:


We bring an evangelical-pentecostal mindset.  God is at the very heart of creation.  God came to earth as Jesus Christ to communicate His love and truth through discipleship.  He calls us to do the same.  

Freeing people from past patterns of destructive behaviour may involve deeper psychological and spiritual counselling.  We need to walk in the Spirit and be alert to the enemies’ lies.


Building Better Men

Building Better Families

Building Better Communities


Pray, create, populate, operate, communicate, collaborate, duplicate.

What is LifeBlood?

LifeBlood Australia is a multi stage restoration program for men who have served their time in a correctional centre.  LifeBlood is affiliated with Fishers of Men in Brisbane and The Restoration Centre in North Richmond, NSW.  LifeBlood provides:

Residential Care

Safe transition housing where men can regroup and prepare for a new future.  Houses consist of 5-6 bedrooms with a common bathroom, kitchen and lounge facility.  Each home has a house leader that assists with catering, cleaning and program delivery.

Living Skills 

LifeBlood introduces practical living skills including meal planning, shopping, food preparation, cooking and cleaning that are essential for reintegration back into the community.  Course are being adapted and integrated into Eddie's 3 x 3' framework.

Life Skills 

LifeBlood introduces basic concepts to survive in a modern world.  Physical health, dental health, personal hygiene, physical fitness and taking time out to "sharpen the saw" (Steven Covey) up country (in the bush). Courses will also explore Who I Am, How I Think and How I Relate to the people around me.

Literacy Skills

LifeBlood is exploring a range of literacy courses in reading, writing and numeracy through existing online content and partner programs.

Digital Literacy

LifeBlood will provide computers in each home to develop digital literacy in Banking, MyGov, Employment searches, CV preparation and online job applications.

Job Skills 

LifeBlood provides a range of practical employment oriented modules to assess employment skills, prepare a CV, search for a job, write letters, apply on-line, interview preparation, clothing, shoes, good job habits, performance and promotions.

The significant shortage of skilled and unskilled workers in the agriculture sector enables LifeBLood to respond with a range of practical farm-worker education programs.  Residents have the opportunity to work in a range of live agricultural environments including cattle, dairy, bananas, avocados, sugar, peanuts, strawberries and blueberries.  Some roles will require occupational health and safety training.  Some will also develop proficiency in operating and maintaining farm machinery - essential for ongoing employment in the region.

Trades Assistant Training

Residents with prior experience in or a genuine passion for electrical, carpentry, plumbing, welding or engine maintenance careers will soon have the opportunity to learn and seek certification in these essential areas of need in FNQ.

Who's who?

Residents - Past and Present:

Proposed Residents:

Volunteer Association Officers and SPAs

Advisory Board include:

Philanthropists & Donors

Operational volunteer opportunities include (in alphabetical order):

Education Programs

LifeBlood Education

LifeBlood is developing a range of practical education programs on a big range of topics.  The library is growing and will continue to grow for many years.


LifeBlood Bible Basics

LifeBlood Break Every Chain

LifeBlood Life Skills

LifeBlood Living Skills

LifeBlood Literacy Skills

LifeBlood Job Skills

LifeBlood Farm Skills

LifeBlood Agriculture Basics

LifeBlood Animal Husbandry

LifeBlood Hospitality Industry Basics

LifeBlood ... 

Community Service Programs

Projects page

Aside from our main focus of re-creating lives inside our programs, our residents and volunteers also invest up to three afternoons per week in projects that will benefit the broader community.

Head to our projects page for a list of current projects.

You are most welcome to join in.


We're on a special journey here at LifeBlood.  Our mission is to give men, coming out of prison, time to rebuild their lives and go on to become:

Better men

Better fathers

Better members of the community.

That process takes time, money, counselling, education, nurture, discipline and even tough love.  It doesn't happen overnight.

If you would like to help us on that mission, then we welcome your input in any of the following roles:

An affiliate - volunteer / service provider.

A non-voting member.

A voting member.

An advisory board member in a specialist advisory portfolio.

Come along to our Saturday morning men's group at Destiny Church, Atherton at 9am

Or join our weekly Zoom meeting on Wednesday nights at 7pm -

Statement of Belief

The Apostle's Creed

I believe in God, the Father almighty,

creator of heaven and earth.

I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord.

He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit

and born of the virgin Mary.

He suffered under Pontius Pilate,

was crucified, died, and was buried.

He descended to the dead.

On the third day he rose again.

He ascended into heaven,

and is seated at the right hand of the Father.

He will come again to judge the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit,

the holy catholic* church,

the communion of saints,

the forgiveness of sins,

the resurrection of the body,

and the life everlasting.


*  catholic, with a lower case c, is a universal or broad church made up of many parts in many geographies.  It is a reference to a much larger group of believers, bigger than any one denomination.

Declaration of Faith

I hereby declare ...

I believe God came to earth

as a man named Jesus,

to tell me He loves me,

to die on the cross for my sin,

and to restore a right relationship

between me and the Father.

I believe He rose from the dead on the third day,

and he ascended into heaven

so that His Holy Spirit can reside in my heart

and lead me into a deeper understanding

of the Father’s love.

I profess Jesus as my Lord and saviour.

I declare that I will love and serve Him

with all my heart,

with all my mind,

with all my soul and

with all my strength.

I commit again today to 

put on the full armour of God and be

the man that God intended me to be,

the father that God intended me to be,

the husband that God intended me to be,

and to live out His love in the wider community

before He comes again.

I believe in God the Father

I believe in God the Son

I believe in God the Holy Spirit

Our God is three in One.